Sunday, July 24, 2011

Retreat Holyday

Last week we had a great time on a spiritual retreat in hilly area of Fruska Gora, north part of Serbia. The place is known as the air bath because it’s surrounded by fragrant forests full of trees, herbs, flowers and beehives. With more then 200 participants, many of them our dear friends, we were practicing yoga, listening seminars on spiritual topics, walking and playing in the nature, dancing, cooking and eating exclusively vegetarian dishes.
Cooking was fun with many people participating in cutting vegetables and preparing ingredients. We had a big and old rented kitchen where things had to be adjusted. I was doing the lunch, simple and healthy menu of rice, cooked or stir fried vegetables, salad and light fruit sweet or halava. We had a good choice of seasonal fruits and vegetables like apricot, peach, plum, pear, zucchini, broccoli, green beans, cabbage, bell peppers, tomato, etc. As I always say to people, there are nowhere so tasty fruits and vegetables like here in Serbia, especially in Vojvodina, northern part of Serbia where fertile soil spreads like a carpet all over the province. This is my experience after extensive travelling and cooking in many places around the world.

We found it inspiring and greatly helpful to have some weeks during the year spent far away from civilization in pure, natural surrounding with likeminded people doing the things we enjoy. And eating well! 


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